A Complete Beginner’s Guide To Going Zero Waste
If you got here because you love Bite, we love that and we love you! And we’re hoping that we can leverage some of that love for good — by helping you think about taking the zero waste lifestyle beyond your toothpaste. Remember, you don’t have to dive in head-first right away; take time and figure out what works best for you. Here are some basic tips for getting started.
Take a look at what you’re throwing out.
If you’re totally new to the zero waste lifestyle, the first thing to do is assess. How much waste are you creating, and where is most of it coming from? Do you pick up lunch near your office every day, and then throw out the plastic container it came in? Are you grabbing twice-daily lattes? Maybe fashion is your weakness, and you find yourself buying lots of clothes you never wear. Whatever it is, start to be conscious of it. Then, start taking steps to reduce.
Cut back on the big things.
When you’re just starting out, you can make some obvious and easy choices. For example, bring your own cloth bags to the grocery store (yes, you have to bring them every time!). Invest in a sturdy portable water bottle. Buy some durable dishcloths, and stop using paper towels. Eat your leftovers, and compost whatever you don’t eat.

When something runs out, replace it with a zero-waste alternative.
You don’t need to frantically run through your house getting rid of every piece of plastic you see. Instead, take it slow. If you have a big plastic container of body wash in the bathroom, use it all up. Then, when it’s gone, switch to a bar soap. Finish up the last toothpaste tube you bought, and then order Bite. Do the same for all of your products — use them up first, then look around for alternatives.

Stock up on glass containers.
That said, one thing you can do right away is purchase some glass containers (or repurpose your Bite bottle!). You’ll want these on hand to store, well, pretty much everything, but especially food. Keep them handy for storing grains, spices, leftovers — and definitely your to-go lunch.

Get cooking.
Speaking of which, you really gotta start cooking. One of the easiest ways to reduce food waste as well as plastic waste is to cook at home. Bring your lunch to work and cut back on plastic packaging, and then cook dinner at home to cut down on more plastic packaging from a delivery order. As an added bonus, when you’re cooking at home it’s much easier to make sustainable, meat-free meals that you know you’ll love.
These are just some beginner’s tips, and as you get further into your zero waste journey you’ll find lots and lots of ways to cut back, in every aspect of your life. But if you’re interested in making some changes, start here. See where it takes you.