Documentary Night with Bite!

Documentary Night with Bite!


Check back at 5:00pm PT for the link to join the whole Bite team as we watch "Our Planet" Ep 4. together! Make sure to click the red NP icon to join a party after clicking on the party invite link.

Let's watch a movie together.

Come join us! Tonight Thursday, April 16th we are hosting our second Doc Night with Bite live from your couch thanks to Netflix Party!

Netflix Party is a new way for all of us to watch, chat and enjoy a documentary together virtually anywhere in the world. "Our Planet" is a Netflix series that features jaw-dropping nature stories, grounded in the best science, and highlighting the most pressing challenges facing nature today.

And yes... the live chat from our first Doc Night was 🔥

Tonight, Thrusday 4/16 we will be watching "Our Planet" Ep4 Coastal Seas at 6pm PST. 

For instructions on how to install Netflix Party to your Google Chrome browser click here. Once it is installed click the live Netflix Party URL and it will redirect you to Netflix then all you have to do is click the extension "NP" in your bookmark bar and you're in! 


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